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When facet joints become inflamed or degenerate due to conditions like arthritis, they can cause significant back and neck pain. The pain is often chronic and can severely affect your mobility and quality of life. John S. Michels, MD, at ISP Health — Integrated Solutions for Pain™ in Dallas-Fort Worth,...
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common forms of arthritis — so common, in fact, that most people can expect to experience some level of OA as they age. OA can affect any joint, but most patients first notice pain and stiffness in their spine, hips, or knees. That...
If you have diabetes, you’ve probably been warned about developing peripheral neuropathy. It’s one of the most common complications of diabetes, affecting nearly 50% of people with Type 2 diabetes. But how exactly does diabetes lead to peripheral neuropathy, and can a pain management specialist help? Dr. John S. Michels...
Chronic pain can invade every aspect of your life, limiting your ability to work, socialize, or perform activities of daily living. Cooking meals, walking the dog, or attending a neighborhood cookout are often too painful to consider. Award-winning pain management physician Dr. John S. Michels at ISP Health in Dallas-Fort...
Myofascial pain is relatively common and can occur in any skeletal muscle, but it usually affects the back, neck, and shoulders. The discomfort can range from a constant throbbing ache to a painful tightness that feels like you’re caught in a vice. Pain management specialist John S. Michels, MD, delivers...
If you’ve been dealing with chronic pain and haven’t found relief from conventional treatments, a spinal cord stimulator (SCS) may be an excellent option. This small medical device, implanted just under your skin, delivers drug-free, long-term relief from chronic pain. Even better, spinal cord stimulation therapy includes a pre-implant trial...
Chronic pain, whether originating in the spine, muscles, joints, or nerves, can make it nearly impossible to sleep well. Dr. John S. Michels is an award-winning pain management specialist serving Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, and surrounding areas. He offers highly effective, nonsurgical solutions for acute and chronic pain that address discomfort...
A research study published by the American Headache Society in 2021 noted the likely connection between migraines and some types of neck pain. This is not new information for our pain management team, led by John S. Michels, MD, at ISP Health in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. Our team specializes in...
Radiofrequency rhizotomy, or radiofrequency ablation, is a minimally invasive medical procedure that relieves pain at its source. Award-winning pain management physician Dr. John S. Michels at ISP Health in Dallas, Texas, is well-known for providing safe, highly effective, nonsurgical solutions for pain. Read more from our team about the conditions...
Chronic back and neck pain can impair your ability to participate in social-, work-, or hobby-related activities you once enjoyed. Even a good night’s sleep or the ability to engage in helpful treatments like physical therapy may be out of reach until your pain is under control. The spine and...
Millions of Americans are loving their work-from-home experience. But the shift from traditional office environments to home-based setups brings a new set of challenges, including chronic pain. Dr. John S. Michels is an award-winning pain management physician with a busy practice in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. He specializes in nonsurgical solutions...
Radiofrequency neurotomy of the lumbar facets is a nonsurgical solution for low back pain that’s interfering with your mobility and quality of life. When medication, physical therapy, and other conservative measures don’t help, this outpatient procedure can offer long-term relief. Dr. John S. Michels is an award-winning pain management expert...
Compression fractures affect the vertebrae in the spine. They may occur during a car accident or other traumatic injury, but most are an unfortunately common complication of osteoporosis, affecting up to 25% of adults over 50, according to some estimates. John S. Michels, MD, is an award-winning pain management physician...
Beyond helping you appear thinner, taller, and more energetic, good posture plays a pivotal role in spinal alignment and joint health. On the other hand, prolonged poor posture pulls muscles, tendons, bones, and joints out of alignment. Pain management expert Dr. John S. Michels specializes in diagnosing and treating acute...
Chronic back pain affects millions of people in the United States. Interventional pain management techniques like a medial branch nerve block or facet joint rhizotomy can eliminate pain and its effects on your quality of life. Dr. John S. Michels is an award-winning pain management specialist with a thriving practice...
Herniated discs can affect any portion of the spine but are most common in the neck and lower back. Because space within the spinal structure is naturally limited, a herniated or ruptured disc can cause significant discomfort when it presses against nearby nerve roots. This irritates and inflames the affected...
Acute back pain can develop after an injury or strain and typically resolves within a few weeks. Chronic back pain, on the other hand, persists for over 12 weeks, continuing even after treatment for the underlying issue. Award-winning pain management physician Dr. John S. Michels specializes in treating acute and...
Sciatica originates in the lower back, causing burning shock-type pain that travels through the buttocks and down the leg(s). Numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness can accompany the pain, often making it challenging to accomplish your daily tasks. John S. Michels, MD, is a pain management specialist with a busy practice in...
As an award-winning pain management physician, Dr. John S. Michels in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas provides highly effective minimally invasive treatments for painful disorders that interfere with mobility and your daily routine. As a previous Super Bowl champion, Dr. Michels has personal experience with pain that keeps him...
Neck pain can hinder your ability to perform even simple tasks associated with daily living. And while there are various causes of neck pain, one very common culprit is a herniated disc. Well-known pain management physician Dr. John S. Michels, serving the Dallas-Fort Worth region of Texas with exceptional, award-winning care, explains...
Back pain can affect anyone at any age, and it’s often manageable with modified activity, over-the-counter pain relievers, and other self-care measures. There are times, though, when back pain is best treated by a medical specialist. Award-winning pain management specialist Dr. John S. Michels provides the Dallas-Fort Worth region with...
Once you’ve had chickenpox (varicella), the virus stays in your nerve cells and can reactivate later in life, appearing as the painful, blistery, burning rash known as shingles. The shingles rash typically lasts several weeks. But the most common complication of shingles is postherpetic neuralgia, which can cause unrelenting pain for...
It may seem counterintuitive, but one of the best things you can do when you have arthritis is to keep moving. The key, though, is to select an exercise routine that pampers rather than stresses your joints. John S. Michels, MD, is an award-winning pain management specialist serving the Dallas-Fort...
Dr. John S. Michels is an award-winning pain management physician in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. He is passionate about tackling pain and reduced mobility at its source with evidence-based, minimally invasive procedures that meet his rigorous standards for patient comfort, safety, and satisfaction. Check these facts about kyphoplasty,...
Numerous conditions can narrow nerve space within the spine, leading to painful pinching or compression of the involved nerve root. This nerve pinching is known as radiculopathy in the medical world. Depending on which nerves are affected, radiculopathy can interfere with your mobility and spread pain into your head, shoulders,...
If you’re one of the millions of Americans experiencing chronic neck pain, you already know it can affect your daily routine and make it tough to rest at night. Did you know, though, that what’s causing the pain in your neck can also trigger daily headaches, muscle weakness in your...
Dr. John S. Michels is an award-winning pain management specialist with a thriving practice in Dallas, Texas, serving residents throughout Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, University Park, and Preston Hollow. His patients greatly appreciate Dr. Michels’ extensive medical skills and compassionate approach to addressing pain with customized nonsurgical treatments that fit their needs....
John S. Michels, MD, is an award-winning pain management specialist with a busy practice in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. He’s on a mission to provide his patients with minimally invasive, highly effective, nonsurgical treatments for acute and chronic pain. Read when and why Dr. Michels prescribes subacromial bursa injections for painful shoulder...
Dr. John S. Michels is an award-winning pain management specialist with a busy practice in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. He’s also an NFL Super Bowl champion with a unique perspective on the life-altering effects of chronic pain. That experience drew him to his medical specialty and dedication to providing minimally...
John S. Michels, MD, is an award-winning pain management specialist with a busy practice in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. He has significant experience accurately diagnosing and successfully treating painful nerve disorders like complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Read more about CRPS and the nonsurgical therapies Dr. Michels provides to eliminate your pain...
Neck pain is often linked to something as simple as using the wrong pillow. But it may also result from a more complex issue such as osteoarthritis, herniated disc, or compressed nerve. Dr. John S. Michels is a pain management specialist with an award-winning medical practice in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. He...
Award-winning pain management specialist Dr. John S. Michels provides comprehensive treatment for chronic and acute pain at his busy practice in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. Dr. Michels has significant expertise in restoring mobility and improving his patients’ overall quality of life with the most effective, nonsurgical therapies available for peripheral neuropathy and other nerve...
Award-winning physician John S. Michels, MD, is well-known for the highly effective, minimally invasive pain management therapies he offers at his busy practice in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. Dr. Michels is also a former NFL Super Bowl champion who suffered a career-ending injury. That experience prompted his decision to specialize in...
Botox® has always been about more than treating wrinkles. Physicians were using it to treat strabismus (crossed eyes) in the late 1970s, when they accidentally discovered it reduced the appearance of frown lines in the brow area. Since then, it’s been used for treating painful muscle spasticity related to cerebral palsy, overactive...
Dr. John S. Michels is a well-known interventional pain management specialist with a busy practice in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. He excels at controlling joint pain but prefers to prevent it from happening in the first place whenever possible. Read Dr. Michels’ tips for protecting your joints from damage and...
John S. Michels, MD, is a former pro athlete and award-winning pain management physician in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. He is well-known for blending advanced medical treatments such as regenerative medicine therapies with a practical, patient-first approach to controlling pain that’s structured to meet your needs. What diseases...
It’s sometimes hard to determine when and whether you should see a specialist for chronic pain, because it typically starts subtly and builds over time. But there’s no reason to wait until pain takes over your life before seeking specialty care. John S. Michels, M.D. is a pain management specialist...
Although they’re the largest joints in your body, your knees encounter a lot of stress and strain during a normal day. That’s amplified in any sport that requires running, jumping, or quick changes in direction. This activity greatly increases your risk of a knee injury, which can put you on...
Dr. John S. Michels is an interventional pain management specialist with a thriving practice in the Dallas/Fort Worth region of Texas. This former NFL first-round draft pick and Super Bowl champion provides highly effective treatments to reverse the painful effects of a wide variety of issues, including nerve damage related...
If you suffer back pain due to spinal compression fractures, kyphoplasty can help. John S. Michels, MD, is a pain management specialist with a busy practice in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. He is renowned for his medical skill and has regularly received numerous awards for delivering highly successful,...
Symptoms of facet joint arthritis often start as a dull ache and stiffness in the back or neck. Depending on where the arthritic joints are located on your spine, the discomfort can intensify and eventually spread to your buttocks, shoulders, or back of the head. Dr. John S. Michels is...
Compression fractures occur most frequently in the mid to upper (thoracic) spine and at the upper most portion of the lumbar (lower) spine. These painful fractures are often linked to decreased bone density due to osteoporosis. Pain management expert Dr. John S. Michels shares insight about compression fractures from his...
About 50 million adults in the United States struggle with chronic pain conditions. Technically, chronic pain is any pain that lasts longer than 12 weeks, but should you really wait three months to see a specialist? John S. Michels, MD, is an award-winning pain management specialist in the Dallas-Fort Worth...
John S. Michels, MD, is a top-level pain management specialist with a busy practice in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. His exceptional medical skill and compassionate care for anyone experiencing chronic pain is widely recognized by his patients as well as his colleagues. Read what this award-winning expert says...
Dr. John S. Michels is an award-winning physician who has endured his own personal trials with debilitating pain. A career-ending injury during his time as an NFL Super Bowl champion helped guide his decision to become a pain management specialist. These days, he combines his considerable medical skill and the...
If you struggle with back pain, you’ve likely been told: Remain as active as possible Take over-the-counter pain relievers as directed Remain patient as your back heals over the next several weeks to months Dr. John S. Michels is a top-level pain management specialist who takes a much more supportive...
Dr. John S. Michels is an award-winning physician with a busy practice in Dallas, Texas. He provides outstanding pain management services for residents in and around Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, University Park, and Preston Hollow. His patients value his significant medical expertise and minimally invasive treatment approach. They also...
Award-winning pain management physician Dr. John Michels is well-known in the Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas, area for providing highly effective and minimally invasive treatments for chronic pain issues. Read why Dr. Michels may recommend kyphoplasty as a nonsurgical solution for debilitating chronic pain related to spinal compression fractures. What...
Strictly speaking, stressors are defined as any internal or external factors that affect the function of an item. In the case of your body, that could be physical stress and/or psychological stress. Dr. John S. Michels is a pain management specialist with a thriving practice in the Dallas/Fort Worth area...
Can reversing a few bad habits really help decrease knee pain? Yes. And it may be as simple as getting enough sleep and making a few changes to your exercise routine. Award-winning physician and former NFL Super Bowl champion John S. Michels, MD, understands pain and how it can affect...
Tech neck, also referred to as text neck, is a new name for an old issue — neck pain that’s caused by repetitive strain and injury to the muscles and other tissue structures of the cervical spine. The ever-evolving screen technology we’ve come to love and even rely on lies...
Many myths exist regarding chronic pain, the most painful of which might be that you should just accept that stiff muscles, aching joints, and reduced mobility are part of the aging process. John S. Michels, MD, is a highly respected pain management specialist who provides outstanding care for patients in...
Whether you’re sitting at a desk, standing in line at the grocery store, or relaxing on the couch, poor posture can stress and strain muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons. When slouching becomes a habit, a temporary crick in your neck or ache in your back can worsen and become chronic....
Chronic pain can become a life-changing disability that makes it hard to perform even the simplest of tasks. The good news? Many effective treatments exist that can get you moving again and enjoying the active life you crave. John S. Michels, MD, is an award-winning physician who specializes in relieving...
Aching, painful knees are a common complaint for people of all ages. Knee pain is related to a wide variety of issues, including sports injuries, overuse, arthritis, and sedentary lifestyles. The good news? A pain medicine specialist can help relieve your discomfort and restore your mobility without surgery. John S....
Pain is not a pleasant experience. But it can be a helpful signal from your body that something has gone awry. Understanding why something hurts is the first step in developing a successful treatment strategy. That’s certainly the case with upper back pain, which can be related to anything from...
Peripheral neuropathy affects the normal functioning of nerves that exist outside your brain and spinal column. There are about 100 different types of peripheral neuropathy, many of which affect the sensory nerves. These are the nerves that help your brain identify certain sensations your skin feels, such as temperature, texture,...
A nonsurgical rhizotomy, also known as radiofrequency (RF) ablation or RF neurotomy, uses heat to disrupt pain signals that travel from your nerves to your brain. Working in much the same way as injections that temporarily numb the nerves, a rhizotomy rises to the next level by relieving back, neck,...
Neck pain is a common ailment in the United States. It’s often due to poor posture, muscle strain, or the effects of aging. Regardless of the cause, though, ongoing neck pain and stiffness can make it hard to work, play, or rest. John S. Michels, MD is a highly skilled...
John S. Michels, MD, is a pain management doctor with a thriving practice in Dallas, Texas. As a former NFL Super Bowl champion (Green Bay Packers) who retired due to a career-ending injury, he has a unique compassionate perspective on the complex nature of pain and how it can impact...
If you have chronic headaches, you don’t have to resign yourself to just living with them. There are things you can do to help prevent getting them. And, if needed, medical treatment is available as well. John S. Michels, MD, of Interventional Spine & Pain in Dallas specializes in pain...
With nearly 65 million Americans reporting a recent incident of back pain and 16 million adults experiencing chronic back pain, the chances are high that you or someone in your family will experience back pain at some point during the holidays. It only makes sense that back pain increases over...
Are you suffering from neck pain? If so, you’re in good company. Approximately one-quarter of American adults experience neck pain at some point in their lives. Your neck plays an important role in your health. Not only does it protect your spinal cord, but it’s also home to the nerves, muscles,...
Does your knee pain act up when you try to garden, walk the dog, or play a game of tennis? Most likely, you wonder whether staying active will make things worse or if you should simply elevate and ice the offending knee and call it a day. There’s a short...
Have you been experiencing chronic, prolonged back pain? Is it increasingly difficult to continue doing the activities you love – exercising, sports, or playing with your kids? You are definitely not alone. As many as 20% of adults have severe pain that warrants pain management. Luckily, you don’t have to...
Chances are, you’ll experience back pain at some point in your life — perhaps due to an injury, overdoing an activity, or tweaking your back in some way. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, 80% of all adults will suffer a bout of low back pain during...
You’ve tried over-the-counter and prescription medications. You’ve gone to the chiropractor and have received physical therapy. You’ve also used hot pads, ice packs, and different shaped pillows. But your back pain still persists. When nothing works, it’s easy to feel like you’re at your wit’s end. But don’t give up....
Regenerative medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on using the body’s own healing processes to treat illnesses, pain, and injuries. This new branch of medicine is responsible for all organ and tissue transplants, including stem cell therapies and platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP). Stem cell therapy and PRP are...
When your back is hurting, you’ll do whatever it takes to feel better, because you lose too much time at work and at play when you’re injured. Sadly, low back pain is a common problem and affects nearly everyone at some point in their life. It’s not only professional athletes...